Thursday, October 26, 2006

It's all happening!

I'm in the Harbour City (Sydney) this week and fly back to Adelaide, South Australia tomorrow.
I've snatched some (limited) time in my hotel room to check my social bookmarks and aggregator and keep abreast of happenings on the fabulous K12 Online Conference. And now there's a podcast feed. Much appreciated!
I've been spreading the word about the K12 Online Conference and Web2.0 here in Sydney and look forward to getting back home and getting into it.
The agenda is awesome!

Thursday, October 19, 2006


edna Groups has had a facelift after an upgrade to Moodle v1.6.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Tipping Point?

Graham Wegner has posted this creative image, based on his current reading of Malcolm Gladwell’s “The Tipping Point,” in this post, "Web 2.0 Tipping Point For Education." Graham asks, "Is the tipping point for widespread recognition of web2 technologies in education far off ...? John Connell has provided some contextual (and edgy?) help in the true spirit of Web2.0 on his blog.
I am experimenting with a new poll widget from PollDaddy based on the idea of the Tipping Point. You can customise your poll, embed the widget in a website or blog and keep track of results via RSS.