Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Best of Web2.0 (2006)

Dion Hinchliffe's "The Best of Web2.0 software (2006) " a sequel to his enormously popular "best of ... in 2005" has already been viewed over 17,000 times.
Dion rates 2006 as "one of the most remarkable growth surges in Web application history."
Winners (and runners up) in many categories would probably bring no arguments (eg. MySpace in Social Networks, YouTube in Social Media Sharing and Zoho Office2.0 suite in this category.

However, I was very surprised to see him rate StumbleUpon ahead of in social bookmarking. I rate Pageflakes just ahead of Netvibes in personal start pages with YourMinis (recently relaunched as reviewed by Techcrunch) a definite watch in this space.
Dion predicts a bright future for mashups in 2007 and this is an area I intend to explore further and all things Ajax in 2007.
Meanwhile, Flickr goes from strength to strength.

Dion's article highlights the growing number of quality web apps in many Web2.0 categories and the huge growth in interest and adoption of these (largely free) tools which are changing the ways we operate, communicate, collaborate, relate ...
And how much of this is evident in education, particularly the schools sector?

"We have begun moving all our software, data, and even our social activities onto the Web en masse and the demand for high-quality online sites and applications that support this shift in primary focus from the PC to the Internet." (Dion Hinchliffe)

Dion's excellent Web2.0 Journal along with Techcrunch, Programmable Web (mashups), Shambles in S.E. Asia Web2.0 and eHub, are favourite sources of up to date information, views and reviews.

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