Sunday, May 03, 2009

Social Media Tools

Social Media tools first provided the tip for this SlideShare resource about using Social Media tools via a re-tweet (RT) from my social network @moodleman on Twitter.
Choosing & Using Social Media Tools presentation on SlideShare by LaDonna Coy.

Additional links add to its value for those who want to explore further - a wiki for the 'Texas Spring Collaboration Meeting' (April 28, 2009) Austin, Texas. (Stephanie Nestlerode and LaDonna Coy) and the 'Remix the Social Media Game Wiki' (original game developed by David Wilcox and Beth Kanter).

If you are interested in exploring the whole gamut of social media tools and their potential, this is a very useful resource. The 'Remix the Social Media Game Wiki' provides access to some workshop materials including scenarios which prompt teams to consider the selection of appropriate tools to meet their different communication needs.

All resources are provided under a Creative Commons license.

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