Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Aussie Mooters Gather 2005

"Aussie Mooters Gather 2005" is the name of a 2 day conference to be held at Technology School of the Future in Adelaide, South Australia (July 9 and 10). This will be a gathering for Classroom Teachers, Educational Leaders and e-learning Specialists to meet and discuss the latest in e-learning and classroom learning management systems. (A separate technical workshop will be held at the Chifley Hotel on Friday 8th)

There is growing interest in Australian schools in using Moodle. Speakers include Martin Dougiamas (WA), Gary Benner (NZ) Gerry White – CEO (EdNA) , Dr Stanley Frielick (NZ) , Kevin Richardson (SA) and Dr Kathryn Moyle (ACT). A great opportunity for Australian and NZ educators to network and share understandings.

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