Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Personalised learning and learning environments

A series of seminars arising from a collaboration between Futurelab, Demos, Becta and Toshiba provide thought provoking papers and reports with well documented examples and references.
The focus is on personalised learning and future learning environments. The three seminars explore different models of personalisation, learner voice and new approaches to assessment.
The three topics are:
1 Learner Voice:
How can technology be used to support learners to shape and direct their own curriculum?
2 Designing Learner Environments:
The virtual and the real - can technology help students shape their learning environment?
3 Assessment, Technology and Learner Voice:
How can we involve young people in determining the focus and means of assessment systems?
A 'must read' for school administrators, leaders, teachers to read, discuss, reflect and plan for the future.

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