Interested in m-Learning, mobile presence, enabling and connecting learners and, as the title of this engaging presentation suggests, new learning trends with digital technologies? Incidental, informal, ubiquitous, lifelong learning is enabled with innovative learner-centric strategies and evolving mobile tools.
@dannno or Dan Sutch from FutureLab provides a glimpse of the (near?) future,"changing educational paradigm" and participatory culture in this SlideShare presentation.
Evolving mobile technologies and tools, 'always on, always connected,' authentic learning experiences are beginning to emerge. There are still many barriers to more widespread adoption. This presentation provides a range of ideas for exploring new connections for innovative learning and stimulus for discussion in education circles.
I have posted a short video to my SouthOz Flickr account of the spectacular diving attraction of the Giant Cuttlefish during their annual breeding season in the shallow waters off Point Lowly, South Australia in June 2009.
This short video shows a Giant Cuttlefish pulsating its skin to deter other male cuttlefish in the vicinity. This video was taken in the area known as 'the fenceline' off Point Lowly, Whyalla in South Australia.
This area is one of only two places in the world where this spectacular annual event occurs. It is a major tourist attraction for divers from around the globe.
The site is under threat from a proposed desalination plant for an outback mining venture and new wharf facilities for another new mining proposal. This marine environment is precious. Help protect it from developments which threaten its existence!
I have also posted a set of Giant Cuttlefish photos on Flickr.
Laurel is @silkcharm on Twitter with a very handy 8,770 (and rapidly rising) followers (June 8, 2009). Her blog reveals a top blogger, social media strategist, writer, keynote speaker and workshop facilitator on online communities and social networks and Twitter highlights a 'World of Warcraft' addict.
Laurel has generously started sharing her courseware under a 'Creative Commons Attribute and Non Derivative' license.
She is using the services of Scribd and publish on demand service, Lulu, to share with the wider community. Visit Laurel's storefront on Lulu for hardcopy (purchase) or free download options.
"Scribd offers a YouTube style embed, Lulu offers both hardcopy and a free download service."
Example of embedding above. If you have an interest in the potential and use of social media, in a variety of contexts take the time to check out Laurel's courseware, visit Laurel's blog and add comments/suggestions or check her Lulu storefront. And follow @silkcharm on Twitter and add to the global discourse via this phenomenal example of social media . I have!
The phenomenal growth of social networking in recent years, and more recently, the massive interest in, and uptake of, real-time applications in social media eg. Twitter, are contributing to new trends in lifelong learning, business, marketing, entertainment and more.
This Slideshare presentation, 'Integrating Social Networking & Web 2.0 Applications into e-Learning ', by Rob Gibson provides an overview of a range of social networking & social media applications and examples of potential use in an educational context. A good starting point for increasing awareness and for educators considering the role of new tools, web applications and strategies in an e-learning environment.
Part time blogger, interested in education, environment and sustainability, microblogging/social media, Moodle, open source, augmented reality, Creative Commons and PLN.