Monday, June 08, 2009

Highlighting Social Media courseware

If you are interested in free social media courseware with Creative Commons licensing, then check out Laurel Papworth's offering "COURSEWARE: social media and PR Crisis Communication."

Laurel is @silkcharm on Twitter with a very handy 8,770 (and rapidly rising) followers (June 8, 2009). Her blog reveals a top blogger, social media strategist, writer, keynote speaker and workshop facilitator on online communities and social networks and Twitter highlights a 'World of Warcraft' addict.

Laurel has generously started sharing her courseware under a 'Creative Commons Attribute and Non Derivative' license.

She is using the services of Scribd and publish on demand service, Lulu, to share with the wider community. Visit Laurel's storefront on Lulu for hardcopy (purchase) or free download options.
"Scribd offers a YouTube style embed, Lulu offers both hardcopy and a free download service."

COURSEWARE: Social Media PR Crisis Communication
Example of embedding above.
If you have an interest in the potential and use of social media, in a variety of contexts take the time to check out Laurel's courseware, visit Laurel's blog and add comments/suggestions or check her Lulu storefront.
And follow @silkcharm on Twitter and add to the global discourse via this phenomenal example of social media . I have!

Thanks, Laurel.

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