Tuesday, February 14, 2006

PLEs - personalised learning environments

James Farmer provides a highly visual posting on Incorporated Subversion on the "The inevitable personal learning environment" incorporating insights from a range of passionate folk including Stephen Downes.
Blogs and aggregation are at the heart of the personalised learning environment. ELGG shows some of what is possible in this space providing tools which empower the learner.
But "... major institutions aren’t going to start switching their LMSs to our PLEs any time soon."
James makes a compelling case, based on WPMU, for a possible solution. Likely or not?

Interested in research reports on personalised learning environments?
Check the NESTA Future Lab reports "Personalisation and Digital Technologies."
"The logic of education systems should be reversed so that the system conforms to the learner, rather than the learner to the system. "

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